Dr. Kerri Seger will discuss an overview of a few ongoing projects that combine biology/ecology and conservation efforts with quantitative analysis and signal processing techniques. Impact volumes are regions of the ocean over which a species or hearing group of animals could be negatively affected by noise levels generated from human sources. Dr. Seger has worked on quantifying these impact volumes from pile driving in preparation of wind farm development along the East Coast of the United States and is working on impact volume models of simulations from possible shipping lane configurations if a megaport were to be built on the Pacific Coast of Colombia. The acoustic propagation model used in this work is the parabolic equation (Collins, 1993). The flip side of propagation modeling and simulation in marine mammal research is processing acoustic data to track and better understand animals in ecosystems of interest. Technology advancements have provided terabytes of data where manual analysis remains the most accurate way to process it. Signal processing techniques are rapidly expanding to analyze these data more quickly. Dr. Seger will present some ongoing work in applying Mode Decomposition algorithms (EMD and VMD) from the wireless communication field to the underwater acoustic field to semi-blindly detect and classify signals from marine fauna to process acoustic data more efficiently.

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