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A large and growing body of research and theoretical literature suggests that not all students intend to learn deeply.  Surface learners want to survive, to pass the course, and often try only to memorize enough to do so.  Strategic learners predominately seek to make the highest marks. But neither of those two groups are always trying to learn deeply.  Only the deep learners will focus on understanding ideas and concepts, on applications and implications, on making connections and developing new theories.  Only the deep learners are likely to become adaptive and inventive experts, willing and able to tackle and solve novel problems and transfer across different situations.  Many of the traditional practices in education seem to foster strategic learning at best, even among students of high natural intellectual ability. How do the best teachers create learning environments in which deep learning is most likely to emerge?  In this interactive session, we'll explore some of the emerging approaches, fostering a rich conversation and exchange of ideas and bringing practices from other institutions into play. RSVP