About this Event
Join us on Thursday, April 8, 2021 from 3:15-4:15 PM ET for a panel discussion on the essential role of scientists and engineers in the design and development of equitable vaccine clinical trials. The panel will aim to address how specific populations have been historically marginalized in the drug development process, and how critical planning and implementation can help ensure better outcomes for all.
Gilda Barabino, President and Professor of Biomedical and Chemical Engineering, Olin College of Engineering
Melanie Ivarsson, SVP, Chief Development Officer, Moderna
Jayne Morgan, MD, Cardiologist and Clinical Director of the Covid Task Force at the Piedmont Healthcare Corporation
MODERATED BY: Frank Doyle, John A. Paulson Dean of the Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences and John A. & Elizabeth S. Armstrong Professor, Harvard University
Register for the event: https://harvard.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_tNhfm8jtSKm2pwb4kEdWIw
For any questions or accessibility requests, please contact diversity@seas.harvard.edu, in advance of these events. Live Close Captioning will be provided.